YYC Book Club

YYC Book Club BannerBecause there’s just not enough happening on this website (well, there’s usually not, actually, because I rarely post…) I’m adding yet another project! I think it’s pretty obvious that I love to read. So do a lot of people, including my friend Jenna! And Jenna is a fan of this very nifty Twitter account out of Edmonton, @yegbookclub. Which is exactly what you’d expect: a book club hosted on Twitter.

So for some time we tossed around the idea of taking a cue from our northern neighbors to host our own Twitter-based book club, and @yycbookclub was born.

  • We meet monthly, on Twitter and (at least for now) in-person (for those who wish to join) at a local coffee shop.
  • We meet the third Monday of the month (unless that Monday is a holiday, in which case it’s the fourth Monday) from 7:00-8:30pm MT
  • Using the hashtag #yycbookclub, we chat about the book we’re reading each month. Check out the list below for our upcoming reads
  • Can’t make it to a meeting in person or online during the scheduled time? No problem! This is Twitter! Use the hashtag to chat before or after; read through #yycbookclub tweets and respond in real time or later
  • We’re on Facebook, too. Check us out at facebook.com/groups/yycbookclub
  • Plus, we have a Goodreads group set up so you can find out more information and even chat about the books there
  • Or follow us on Instagram (NEW!)

We’ve also added a fun, monthly meetup–in person and virtually–to get a little crafty and creative! Join us the first Monday of the month (or the second, if the first Monday happens to be a holiday) for #colourclubyyc. We get together in coffee shops to make the most of the adult colouring book craze! BYOPencils and pages, or use ours. Colouring at home? Tweet us a pic using the hashtag #colourclubyyc. Not up for colouring? Bring your knitting/sketching/scraboooking/whatever crafty-creative thing you wanna do and hang out anyway!

Upcoming Books

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